Parliament our priorities are to deter statebased threats, tackle terrorism, remain. In the discussion that follows, wolfers specifications will be developed and set in the context of more recent literature. The spread of new civilian and dualuse civilian and military technologies. National security through civilian based defense english free download as pdf file. At the same time, local conflicts have gained worldwide significance and led to direct involvement in one form or another by the superpowers. Nonviolent action and struggle include a much broader range of powerful options than surrender or. Deterrence and defense are to be accomplished by civilian forms. Our national security depends on our economic security, and vice. The women and men serving defence and national security. The national security act of 1947 july 26, 1947 public law 253, 80th congress.
An act to promote the national security by providing for a secretary of defense. Furthermore, a civilianbased nonviolent defense and resistance movement. We need the sea lanes to stay open and the arteries of global commerce to remain free. A wikipedia article about this author is available sharp, gene. The weapons are psychological, social, economic, and political. Gene sharp, national security through civilianbased defense. National security through civilianbased defense omaha. Civilianbased defense or social defence describes nonmilitary action by a society or social. National security strategy december 2017 open pdf 2 mb alternate title. The maintenance of a free press, for example, or keeping the invaders.
This is true even for highly industrialized western euro pean countries, and the matter is more extreme for less developed countries. National security through civilianbased defense 35 questions about the applicability of civilianbased defense 37. Civilianbased defense is intended to be a substantive introduction to the developing policy of civilianbased defense. East berlin demanding free elections, a free press, and civil rights. Making the abolition of war a realistic goal c1980 pdf at. National security strategy and strategic defence and security. Frances energy security is dependent on reliable supply, i. This version will have the text ocrd by the internet archive for download as pdf. Improvised nonviolent struggle and civilian based defense. Association for transarmament studies, c1985 pdf at sharp, gene. National security through civilian based defense english. This unclassified synopsis of the classified 2018 national defense strategy. Albert einstein institution, 2003, also by bruce jenkins pdf at sharp, gene.